Please note that we have many small groups in addition to our Ladies Bible Study that meet around the area, studying other topics and with different focuses. To find a ladies small group that fits your personal needs and desires please take a look through our Groups directory.


Gather with other women as you search after a deeper relationship with God. Our Bible studies include a time of teaching, small group discussion and prayer. The winter session will begin January 17, 2024 at 7pm at both campuses.


The ministry of Helping Hands provides meals for families in need. We make sure that all meals are delivered in a timely manner with consideration for any allergy concerns and general tastes of the family. The leaders of this program are very structured and provide diligent oversight and stewardship for this ministry. Your participation in this extension of women’s ministry is much needed and appreciated.

If you need a meal for your family, please contact the church office.

If you are interested in participation as a “meal-maker,” please contact Chris Emmett, Helping Hands Coordinator.