MARCH 13, 2020

Dear Church family,

Thank you for joining along with me in prayer these past several weeks as we have prepped and planned toward our Inspire Week. You’re faithfulness and prayer support is incredibly important and I’m thankful for you!

In an effort to not bombard your email, we are moving our devotionals online starting today. Each day you’ll find a short video that I’ll post on our Facebook page, EastridgeToday.com and our mobile app with a brief devotional focus and prayer. I encourage you to check in each day and even share the messages with your friends and family who could use an uplifting message of hope in Christ!

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Your involvement matters and we care about you! I look forward to reaching even more with the Gospel as we move our daily devotionals online.

Pastor Steve

P.S. I look forward to our livestream church with you this weekend!

MARCH 12, 2020

Dear Church Family,

As believers, we hold tight to the promise that God is in control of each of our lives and at work in our community with the message of new life in Christ. This moment is no different! As a church, Eastridge has been working behind the scenes on great ways to bring ministry to your home in a way that is engaging and community focused. I’m excited for this weekend and to share the Gospel with you through a new online platform.

In light of Governor Inslee banning gatherings of more than 250, we are MOVING ALL MINISTRY ONLINE through the end of March in both Issaquah and West Seattle. Check out the video to the right for a short message about the unfolding situation in our community.

I want to encourage you to take time to invest in your own personal spiritual life — put on some worship music, take time to read the Word and spend time in prayer. As we pray and work together, we will see God move and bring hope! This is an incredible time to take a closer look at the people around us and pray for opportunities to speak the hope and life of Christ to them. To stay updated on all information about our online ministry, check back to our social media or EastridgeToday.com.

Thank you for praying with us!
Pastor Steve

MARCH 11, 2020

Dear Church Family,

At Eastridge Church we have a long history of being a great partner to our community and this present moment is no different. We take the spread of this virus very seriously and want to do our part to make sure we do everything in our power to minimize those who are being affected by it. As a church, we will always default to leading with a spirit of faith and community. This is an incredible time to take a closer look at the people around us and pray for opportunities to speak the hope and life of Christ to them!

In light of today’s announcement by Governor Inslee banning gatherings of more than 250, we are CANCELING ALL MINISTRY tonight, March 11, in both Issaquah and West Seattle. I will go live at 7pm on both Facebook and Instagram with a short message and time of prayer over the unfolding situation in our community. Pastor Josh will go live on YouTube for a virtual youth church gathering at 7:15pm.

We are working to develop a plan for how to gather together as the Body of Christ virtually over the next few weeks. We believe that God is at work even in the midst of this crisis. As we pray and work together, we will see God touch lives and bring hope in the midst of this situation! Please join us in prayer and check back to our social media or EastridgeToday.com for information about all future March gatherings at Eastridge.

Thank you for praying with us!
Pastor Steve

MARCH 10, 2020

Dear Eastridge Family,

As you know so well, we are living in a moment when we are surrounded with fear and uncertainty. I thank God that He has led us to study Nehemiah together to see how prayer and faithfulness is used to fulfill God’s purpose and will. In Nehemiah we see that opposition and fear are the big weapons that the enemies tried to bring against Nehemiah and the people.

Nehemiah led the people to see that God is able to turn back the attacks (Nehemiah 4:10-15). He can bring wisdom, insight and protection. This is a great time to be reminded that prayer serves as a shield around us. God hears the prayers of His people and brings the help that is needed. I want to encourage us to pray for open doors to pray with friends and family who are fearful. We can offer prayer; I have found that very seldom people in need will ever reject prayer. God can work in the midst of the moments that we and our community cannot control.

Please join me in praying that God will turn this virus away and that He will work in the moment to draw people to Himself! Lets pray for God to bless the work of His church in this important time!

God bless you!
Pastor Steve

MARCH 7, 2020

Dear Eastridge family,

Thank you for your daily prayers as we seek God together daily. Cheryl and I were thrilled to be with our daughter Janelle and her husband, Brandon, as they welcomed the birth of their baby girl today!! She is beautiful and both mother and daughter are doing great!

Nehemiah understood the importance of family and community. As God sent him to Jerusaelm, he challenged the people with the importance of faith, unity and standing together for God’s purpose (Nehemiah 3-4). Today we want to pray for our brothers and sisters who are in the midst of spiritual battles. It may be from any direction, relationships, family, work demands, heavy decisions and physical health. Let’s cover our church and community in prayer. Let’s intercede that God will bring breakthrough in lives. We serve a miracle working God. Let your faith arise!!

I will let Brandon and Janelle rest with their baby and I will share photos and info tomorrow!

God bless you!!
Pastor Steve